Spicy Air fryer Salmon Filet

Garnished Spicy Air Fryer Salmon with sautéed green beans mix and Spicy Ranch Dressing
Finish garnishing Spicy Air Fryer Salmon.

Tired of same old salmon filets the Spicy Air fryer Salmon satisfies those cravings. The key to flavorful salmon filets is putting some hot spices into rub with hint of sweetness. Most of all it takes just a few minutes to cook the salmon in the Air-fryer. Yet keeping salmon filet moist and flavorful. With just a few extra ingredients, say by by to boring salmon.

It’s all about using a spicy rub:

The spicy rub for salmon filets needs these key ingredients salt, sugar, spices and herbs. Next is to make a great rub needs Salt. Why is salt the most important factor, salt gives flavor to the salmon. Salmon needs the salt which helps hold it’s moisture and still supporting it’s texture. Choosing the right salt is just as important, use kosher salt rather than plain table salt which often contains iodine. The salt releases moisture in Salmon absorbing ingredients back into salmon. Third this takes time, allowing 15 to 20 minutes to do it’s magic.

Next is using sugar to adding a little sweetness and promoting good caramelization as salmon filet Air-fries. There is two good types of sugar to use in rub, brown sugar or Sugar in The Raw. Brown sugar has more molasses profile giving a more stronger deeper flavor profile. Sugar in The Raw has natural slight molasses flavor profile. Caution don’t add too much sugar to rub, just enough to balance flavor.

Bring some Pizzazz into the spice rub:

Now adding some wow to the rub, useing aromatics is key to having a successful rub. Choosing the right spices can really break that lackluster salmon, and bring back some wow. Typical spices used is paprika, black pepper, coriander, cumin and cayenne. Trends change, chipotle pepper was big hit for years, this has a smoky light amount of heat profile. Now a new trend is sriracha hot sauce, which is red chilies and garlic profile. Sriracha is everywhere, stores stock bottles of all different types including sriracha powder. This is a good possibility to use for spicy air fryer salmon filet rub.

Going one step further with the spicy rub by following the new next trends, by using Carolina Reaper powered. Very flavorful but extremely hot chili pepper, caution in adding the right amount of Carolina Reaper powder into rub. The goal is to have just right amount of heat and flavor with some sweetness and garlic profile. Having something simular to sriracha profile but with some punch. Be sure to adjust amount of Carolina Reaper powder to your taste level. This might be only using 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon of Carolina Reaper powder to one batch of rub.

Making Spicy Rub for salmon is a fairly simple task, combining kosher salt, sugar, and aromatic spices all together in bowl or mortar and pestel. I usually make fairly large batch of spicy rub, and keep extra in sealed jar for future uses. This cuts mise en place time down in future preparations.

Applying Spicy Rub to Salmon Filet:

First task is to prep the salmon filet, often I purchasing a side of salmon or couple of pounds of salmon filet. Some might have skin still attached to the filet. Using boning knife slip knife just under the salmon skin, with skin side of salmon facing down. Starting at tail end of filet and holding the salmon skin with left hand. Carefully slide the knife carefully towards right removing skin from salmon. Often salmon skin is slippery, try using paper towel to hold salmon skin for a better grip. Then cut salmon in size portions you like, 4 ounce, 6 ounce or 8 ounce portions are most common. This takes a little practice, but will save you lot of money, buying proportion salmon is almost double in cost.

Next place the silvery finished colored side of the salmon down on the cutting board. Now sprinkle 1 to 2 teaspoons of spicy rub onto top of each filet. Then rub spice mixture into each of salmon filets. Flip salmon over and sprinkle 2 teaspoons or more of spicy rub on the cut side of each salmon filet. Again rub spicy rub into salmon filets. Place in container and cover with plastic wrap, then refrigerate for 20 minutes.

How to Air Fry Spicy Salmon Filets:

Most air fryers have a fish setting, this is a preset function on your air fryer. My PowerXL Air Fryer has a preset function for 10 minutes at 350°F. This is a good starting point, it’s not too high temperature for the spicy rub. This is just long enough to cook the salmon to a safe temperature, about 135 to 140° internal temperature. Note the longer time in the air fryer, the fish looses more moisture, which can become dry and chewy. The goal is to have a moist and very flavor salmon filet.

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Garnished Spicy Air Fryer Salmon with sautéed green beans mix and Spicy Ranch Dressing
Spicy Airfryer Salmon Filet
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Enjoy spicy Salmon Filet using Airfryer with just a few key ingredients, salt, sugar, spices and aromatics. The magic is in the spice rub and benefits of using Airfryer.
Servings Prep Time
2 Portions 5 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10 Minutes 15 Minutes
Salmon Filet
Hot Spicy Rub
Spicy Ranch Dressing
Servings: Portions
Hot Spice Rub
  1. Combine together in mortar and pestle the kosher salt, Turbinado Sugar, smoked paprika, black pepper, Carolina Riper chilies powder and season salt. Mixing well with pestle until nice evenly ground mixture comes together. Taste the mixture, and adjust Carolina Riper Chilies powder to your liking.
    Grinding Spicy Salmon Rub
  2. Place well mixed hot spice rub in storage jar. Note this might make more then you need for just 2 salmon filets.
Spicy Salmon Filets
  1. Remove skin from salmon filet with boneing knife. Cut the salmon filet into 5 to 6 ounce portions.
  2. Next season both sides of salmon filets with Hot Spice Rub putting one teaspoon of rub on each side of filets.
    Sprinkling Spicy Seasoning Rub onto salmon filets.
  3. Spray each salmon filet with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I like to use EVO Sprayer each spritz is 1/4 teaspoon of oil. This controls the coverage of olive oil nicely.
    Spray Salmon Filets with olive oil using the EVO Sprayer
Airfry Spicy Salmon Filets
  1. Preset Airfryer to fish setting or 350°F, allow airfryer to warm up this only takes about 2 minutes max.
  2. Place the seasoned salmon filets with cut side down into Airfryer basket. My PowerXL holds two filets nicely. Push basket into Airfryer and adjust time to 10 minutes. Note about half way into cooking process flip salmon over carefully. Then continue cooking until timer goes off.
  3. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice over top of each cooked salmon filet.
Serving Hot Spicy Salmon Filets
  1. Place carefully remove the salmon filet from the basket with fish spatula. Place salmon filet onto plate carefully
  2. Drizzle some spicy ranch dressing in decorative manner onto plate. Add green vegetable of your choice of cooked Asparagus, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Green Beans are all great choice. Also serve nice starch like Risotto, Smashed Potatoes.
    Garnished Spicy Air Fryer Salmon with sautéed green beans mix and Spicy Ranch Dressing
Spicy Ranch Dressing
  1. Combine together in small bowl, the Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing, Sriracha Sauce and Carolina Reaper Chilies powder together.
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Spicy Air fryer Salmon Filet

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