Jam Stuffed Crumb Cakes

Individual Plum Jam Stuffed Crumb Cakes

Looking for simple creative cake then try making these tasty Jam Stuffed Crumb Cakes. This recipe uses yellow cake mix, instant pudding mix, oil, eggs and buttermilk. Then choose your favorite jam to stuff in middle of the crumb cake. Finally sprinkled with easy crumbs topping baked in individually in jumbo muffin pan.

Ingredients to make jam stuffed crumb cake

Crumb Cake Ingredients:

Crumb Cake is a favorite cake classic using some supermarket shortcuts, like yellow cake mix and instant pudding mix. By combining these to ingredients helps make a moist crumb cake, without having to measure lots of ingredients. The next Secret ingredient is buttermilk or sour cream could use yogurt as the liquid. By using one of these dairy ingredients as liquid keeps the cake nicely moist and tender. Another key ingredient is using canola oil, rather then butter, to make the cake batter. The oil helps maintains good moisture in the crumb of the cake. Eggs help with leveling and bonding cake together. All these ingredients put together by simply mixing for 2 minutes. Mixing the batter in a bowl using the paddle attachment for stand mixer, or beater attachment with hand mixer.

Mixing cake batter by hand with whisk for 2 minutes

Crumb Topping Mixture:

Sprinkling Crumb topping on top of cake batter

Crumb Topping also known as Streusel topping is simple mixture of flour, brown sugar and butter. A supermarket shortcut is to use some of the yellow cake mix and butter. The technique in make crumb topping is to rub the ingredients together with pasty knife or just rub mixture between your fingers until it becomes crumbly. With this recipe it’s used as a topping on cakes.

Jam Stuffing:

Plum Riesling Jam
Plum Jam dropping onto crumb cake batter

Select a good jam to use as a stuffing for crumb cake, illustrated in the above photo using homemade plum jam as example. Use a supermarket short cut and buy a jam or preserve of your liking. The jam is dropped by spoonful over crumb cake batter. Try the peach Riesling Jam or Strawberry Riesling Jam as stuffing for crumb cakes.

Using Peach Riesling Jam as stuffing

Jam Stuffed Crumb Cakes
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This is a simple creative cake recipe using a cake mix and pudding mix into a tasty Jam Stuffed Crumb Cakes.
Servings Prep Time
12 Servings 15 Minutes
Cook Time
18 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
12 Servings 15 Minutes
Cook Time
18 Minutes
Jam Stuffed Crumb Cakes
Votes: 0
Rating: 0
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This is a simple creative cake recipe using a cake mix and pudding mix into a tasty Jam Stuffed Crumb Cakes.
Servings Prep Time
12 Servings 15 Minutes
Cook Time
18 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
12 Servings 15 Minutes
Cook Time
18 Minutes
Crumb cake batter
Jam stuffing
  • 12 Tablespoons Plum Jam Use any fruit jam as option
Crumb Topping Mixture
Servings: Servings
Crumb Cake Batter
  1. To make the crumb topping put flour, butter, brown sugar and cinnamon into mixing bowl. Working crumb topping mixture with fingers by rubbing them together to get a crumble consistency. Next measure all ingredients to make crumb cake, this called mise en place.
  2. Next put the cake mix and instant pudding in mixing bowl. Sir with whisk until ingredients are combined.
  3. Continue by adding the eggs, oil and buttermilk into bowl with dry cake ingredients.
  4. Now whisk the cake batter ingredients together. Using wire whisk or hand mixer beating for 2 minutes on Meduim speed. The batter should be smooth and lump free.
Crumb Cake Assembly
  1. First spray each muffin well with baking spray. Using scoop or a spoon filling each muffin well 1/3 rd full with cake batter. I am using jumbo muffin pans, but regular muffin pan work also yields 24 portions.
  2. Next spoon about tablespoon of jam on top of the cake batter.
  3. Try to have the filling to be in the center of the batter.
  4. Next scoop or spoon just enough cake batter over top of the jam. The muffin wells should be about 3/4 full.
  5. Continue with next step by using spoon to sprinkle a generous amount of crumb topping over each cake batter.
  6. Place crumb cakes into 350 degree oven and bake for about 20 minutes. Testing with toothpicks, if the toothpick comes out clean the crumb cakes are ready to be removed from the oven.
  7. Carefully remove crumb cakes from muffin pan and place on wire rack too cool. When they are cooled remove them from the rack and place on sheet tray, then cover them well with plastic wrap. They can be left out at room temperature or refrigerated for 5 days.
  8. Plate the crumb cakes in attractive manner, I like to cut them in half to show off wonderful jam filling. Enjoy
Recipe Notes

Be creative try different jams, like peach, strawberry rhubarb, triple berry jams. Push the tastes by using lemon cake mix, spice cake mix, carrot cake mix, devils food cake mix. Have fun be creative and most of all enjoy. 

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Jam Stuffed Crumb Cakes

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  1. how can I keep the filling from sinking the bottom

    1. Great question I used Pam Baking Spray on each well of muffin/cupcake tins. That helps release better. If you want the filling more to top fill the muffin/cupcake wells 2/3 rd full of batter, then put jam filling on top. Sprinkle then the crumb topping. The filling will still go down because it is heavy. Hopefully this will help.

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