Chocolate Covered Stuffed Strawberries

Chocolate Covered Stuffed Strawberries

Fresh strawberries are perfect, they are nice and big bright red color and so good. Chocolate covered stuffed strawberries have a special filling made with white couverture chocolate, Godiva White Chocolate Liquor and strawberry paste. These big stuffed strawberries are first dipped into Dark Couverture Chocolate then drizzle with White Couverture Chocolate. They are so good that they will not last very long. I wanted to eat them all, but they are destined to deserving workers at the Cedar Rapids Public Library, so I didn’t even have one. I did taste the filling it’s so good ?.


Chocolate Covered Stuffed Strawberries
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Chocolate covered stuffed strawberries that has a special filling made with white couverture chocolate, Godiva White Chocolate Liquor and strawberry paste.
Servings Prep Time
24 Pieces 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
45 Minutes 8 Hours
Servings Prep Time
24 Pieces 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
45 Minutes 8 Hours
Chocolate Covered Stuffed Strawberries
Votes: 0
Rating: 0
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Chocolate covered stuffed strawberries that has a special filling made with white couverture chocolate, Godiva White Chocolate Liquor and strawberry paste.
Servings Prep Time
24 Pieces 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
45 Minutes 8 Hours
Servings Prep Time
24 Pieces 30 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
45 Minutes 8 Hours
Chocolate Covered Stuffed Strawberries:
Servings: Pieces
Strawberry Godiva White Chocolate
  1. Gather mise en place to make filling, measure all ingredients.
  2. Heat the heavy cream and corn syrup in heavy saucepan until it comes to a boil.
  3. Add to hot cream mixture white chocolate and butter, turn off heat and cover with lid.
  4. Let the hot cream and chocolate rest covered for at least five minutes. Then stir until combined.
  5. To the white chocolate mixture add Godiva White Chocolate Liquor, strawberry paste and red food coloring. Stirring well until smooth filling is forms.
  6. Cool strawberry white chocolate filling for one to two hours. Wrap in plaste and refrigerate.
  7. After filling is firm, softened in microwave for 30 seconds on half power. Then place in mixer with paddle attachment and beat until light. Place in a pastry bag fitted with filling tip.
Chocolate Stuffed Strawberries
  1. Wash whole strawberries and let dry on paper towels.
  2. Remove the tops of the strawberries and hull. Using strawberry fillled pastry bag stuff the tops of each strawberry. Place them on paper towels to absorb excess moisture.
  3. To coat the bottoms of each stuffed strawberry the Dark Couverture Chocolate needs to be tempered. Measure dark chocolate and place chocolate pieces in stainless steel mixing bowl. Put the bowl over 160°F water to melt. Stirring the chocolate constantly until all chocolate is melted this should be around 96°F to 100°F. Do not let dark chocolate go over 122°F that's upper melting limit for good chocolate. Pull chocolate off hot water bath and stir constantly until reaches 96°F add Cocoa butter Beta Crystals and stir until chocolate reaches 88°F now the chocolate is tempered. Test chocolate by dipping spoon into chocolate and let set in cool place for 5 minutes if chocolate is set-up firm with no streaks, it is in perfect temper.
  4. Dip the bottoms of the stuffed strawberries into tempered chocolate about half way. Then place dipped strawberries bottoms onto parchment paper to allow chocolate to set-up firm.
  5. Temper white couverture chocolate over 160°F water bath in stainless steel bowl stirring constantly. When white chocolate is melted around 96°F add the cocoa butter beta crystals and remove from water bath. Stirring constantly until white chocolate reaches 88°F. Place white chocolate in piping bag and cut small tip off bottom of bag. I use disposable pipping bags for chocolate. Drizzle white chocolate over the tops of each strawberry in decorative manner. Allow the chocolate to set-up firm about 1 hour, in cool dark area about 65°F to 70°F room is best.
  6. Trim off the excess chocolate off bottom of each strawberry using paring knife. Cut on clean cutting board not on table tops or marble slab or silicon mats.
  7. Serve Chocolate Stuffed Strawberries right away. You can store coated strawberries for 2 days in refrigerator. These are highy parseable chocolates.
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Chocolate Covered Stuffed Strawberries

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