Texas Chili Chef Daves Style

Texas Chili Chef Dave Style presentation in a bowl
Texas Chili Chef Dave Style presentation

Texas Chili Chef Dave Style

This recipe is a new and improved version of my Classic Texas Chili, that I made for so many years teaching at Kirkwood. Many of students remember the heat level and running to walk-in refrigerator to get some milk to put out the fire. This is the recipe that’s improved and better with lots of extra heat too. Time to fine the fire extinguisher, grab a bottle of antacids and gallon of milk, it’s Texas Chili Chef Dave’s Style Time!

All about using the right chilies

Cooking dried chilies, garlic weighted down with plate.
Cooking dried chilies, garlic weighted down with plate.

Start off by choosing the best chilies which for practical purposes dried chilies work best. It’s better to use a good variety of dry chilies. Choosing good red chili like Guajillo or New Mexican Red Chilies, both are mild less then 1000 Scoville units of heat. Next is choosing a more complex flavor chili like Ancho Chili and Padilla chili adding slight smoky profile. Finally adding some good chilies that have lots of heat, like my super hot chili seasoning. The super hot chili seasoning is infused with some of my hottest varieties of chilies that grown in garden. These chilies are cooked with garlic and water until softened about 20 to 30 minutes weighted down with plate. Be sure to save all cooking liquids from chilies. This is chili stock that will be used throughout cooking process.

Making the Texas Gravy for chili

Blending chilies and garlic with chili stock.
Blending chilies and garlic with chili stock.

Texas Chili is all about having wonderful hot bright red chili gravy for chili. Don’t even think about putting in tomatoes! In Texas Chili it’s all about chilies and meat. To make this gravy you place all softened chilies with stems removed into blender. My preference is VitaMix, start on low speed with small amount of the cooking liquid. Blend into purée seeds and all. Adding more chili stock as needed to make wonderful red sauce. Taste the chili red sauce adjust flavors with salt, super hot chili seasoning and sugar. This is all a matter of personal taste preference. I love it super Hot where my wife likes it milder.

Where’s the BEEF!

Diced Beef Round cooking in cast iron pot.
Diced Beef Round cooking in cast iron pot.

Texas Chili has lots diced beef, some chopped onions and minced garlic. I like to use bottom round or sirloin tip diced into 1/2 inch pieces.

Cooking beef cubes in heavy cast iron pot has excellent even uniform heat. When meat is nice and brown, add onions, spices and herbs. Continue cooking to build layers of flavors.


Simmering low and slow

Long and slow simmering Texas Chili Chef Dave’s Syle
Long and slow simmering Texas Chili Chef Dave’s Syle

Combining the red chili gravy with the browned seasoned beef, then simmering long and slowly. Developing flavors, tenderizing the beef and building some heat. If needed adding extra chili stock as Texas Chili thickens. After a good two to three hours of slow cooking adjust seasonings with, cumin, garlic, salt, pepper and super hot chili seasoning to taste.

Topping of your choices

Time to build bowl of Texas Chili Chef Dave’s Style filling bowl of piping hot Texas Chili and topping chili with, some cheese, tortillas chips, chopped cilantro. Of course many more possibilities, like sour cream, guacamole, olives, chilies and of course hot sauces. That’s the fun of enjoying chili and putting out he fire with some beers. Fond memories wonderful eats, time to make




Texas Chili Chef Dave Style presentation in a bowl
Texas Chili Chef Daves Style
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So hot it came out of both ends!
Servings Prep Time
8 people 45 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 1/2 hours 2 hours
Servings Prep Time
8 people 45 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 1/2 hours 2 hours
Texas Chili Chef Dave Style presentation in a bowl
Texas Chili Chef Daves Style
Votes: 0
Rating: 0
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So hot it came out of both ends!
Servings Prep Time
8 people 45 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 1/2 hours 2 hours
Servings Prep Time
8 people 45 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 1/2 hours 2 hours
Servings: people
Chili Sauce
  1. Trim the beef of all gristle and excess fat, then cut into medium dice, about 1/2" cubes. Season with some salt and pepper. Set aside covered on ice.
  2. Heat canola oil in heavy duty stock pot or cast iron dutch oven with garlic, continue cooking garlic until skins loosen. Remove garlic onto side plate and take skins off. Add to hot oil pasilla chili, ancho chili and guajillo chili with tongs toss in the hot oil until toasted. They will puff up a little and have nice chili aroma. Note do not burn chilies. Remove from hot oil and place on plate to cool. Save oil to make the Texas Chili
  3. Place the toasted chilies, garlic in saucepan cover with water and weight down chilis with plate. Cook chilies and garlic for 15 to 20 minutes until tender.
    Cooking dried chilies, garlic weighted down with plate.
  4. Remove the chiles and garlic from cooking liquid, but do not discard cooking liquid. Take the stems off chilies.
  5. Place the chilies, garlic and cup of chili cooking liquid in blender, (VitaMix) Process on low speed then turn up to high, adding extra cooking liquid if needed to blend into red puree.
    Blending chilies and garlic with chili stock.
Cooking Texas Chili
  1. In Dutch Oven heat oil left from toasting chilies and garlic add the diced beef when oil is hot, brown meat well. Add the cumin, oregano and onions and saute for 5 minutes until onions are tender.
    Diced Beef Round cooking in cast iron pot.
  2. Add red chili puree, to beef mixture, and some Code Red fire in the hole pepper, if needed some extra cooking liquid bring to boil then reduce to simmer. Cook Texas Chili for 2 1/2 hours adding extra cooking liquid if needed.
    Long and slow simmering Texas Chili Chef Dave’s Syle
  3. Taste Texas Chili, adjust with Super Hot Chili Seasoning, salt, pepper, sugar, garlic, oregano and cumin. This Texas Chili should be hot enough to eat bowl make you sweat. For some grab quart milk. Toppings, shred cheese, sour cream and chopped green onions and cilantro.
  4. Time to build bowl of Texas Chili Chef Dave’s Style filling bowl of piping hot Texas Chili and topping chili with, some cheese, tortillas chips, chopped cilantro.
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Texas Chili Chef Daves Style

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