Corned beef steak


Classic Irish Dinner is corn beef brisket braised to perfection. Well why not make a corned beef steak? So this recipe uses a brined petit sirloin steaks which are about 6 oz portions in size. Allow the steak to brine in a Pickle solution for about one week. I am using a vacuum container to speed up the process along with cutting channels into the steak with meat tenderizer, which also breaks down some of connective tissue too.

After meat has brined, be sure to rinse off  all the brine, then pat the meat dry. Now it’s ready to  be grilled, smoke or pan-fry your corned beef steaks. Producing a wonderful corn beef steak, along with potato colcannon and glazed baby dill carrots. Move over boiled corned beef dinner to the new steak in town. May the Luck of Irish be with you, and tasty too.

The Reuben Pizza Supreme is perfect way to use leftover corned beef:

Corn beef steak
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Sirloin Steak cured in brine called pickle for week. The steak can be grilled, smoked on BBQ or pan sear in skillet.
Servings Prep Time
2 people 15 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
6 minutes 7 days
Servings Prep Time
2 people 15 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
6 minutes 7 days
Corn beef steak
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Sirloin Steak cured in brine called pickle for week. The steak can be grilled, smoked on BBQ or pan sear in skillet.
Servings Prep Time
2 people 15 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
6 minutes 7 days
Servings Prep Time
2 people 15 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
6 minutes 7 days
potato colcannon
Servings: people
  1. To make the brine pickle cure for the steak, combine Morton Quick and Tender Salt with water mixing well to dissolve curing salt. Then add pickling spices, coriander seed, cumin seed, chili flakes and turbinado sugar to brine solutions mixing well.
    Curing Brine for pork
  2. Take steaks and using meat tenderizer to cut channels into meat and also break connective tissue down. I use Demi Meat tenderizer.
  3. Place tenderized steaks in container, I am using marinating container by Food Saver. Then pour curing pickle over tenderized steaks.
  4. Place the lid over marinating container and attach vacuum cord to container to Food Saver. I vacuum chamber twice to make sure all the air was removed from container.
  5. Turn the marinating chamber knob to close and remove cord. Then place in refrigerator in cold spot, let it cure in refrigerator for one week.
  6. After week the steaks should be cured, release air from marinating chamber and drain off pickle brine. Rinse off brine from steaks with cold water. Pat each steak dry with paper towel.
  7. Pan sear steaks to 150°F to cook cured steak through. Note bright red color from corned beef steak. Let rest for 5 minutes.
potato colcannon
  1. Cook bacon in skillet until crisp, remove bacon and place on paper towel.
  2. Drain off excess fat and cook onion, garlic and shredded cabbage for few minutes.
  3. Boil the quarter red potatoes until half way done, add the shredded cabbage mixture and continue cooking until cabbage and potatoes are tender.
  4. Drain the cooked potatoes and cabbage in colander, then place cooked potatoes and cabbage in mixer bowl.
  5. Mix potatoes and cabbage with paddle attachment until mashed. Add to potato mixture, garlic, dill weed, sauté onions, bacon bits and mix until incorporated. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Serve the potato colcannon with grilled steak and side of vegetables. Garnish the top of potato colcannon with crisp bacon bits.
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Corned beef steak

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  1. Hello! Cool post, amazing!!!

    1. This was great way to do something totally different. I am thinking to use less quick and tender cure the next time to me was too salty. I might of just cured it too long. Be sure to rinse off cured steaks with cold water and pat dry with paper towel. I think even better to let steaks air dry in refrigerator to form a Pellicale Formation, if you use wood chips as you grill smoke will attach better to dry surface. Enjoy!

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