Carolina Reaper infused Cocoa Butter

Servings: 4 Total Time: 11 hrs 10 mins Difficulty: Beginner
How to infuse Carolina Reaper Chilies into cocoa butter

This is how to make chocolate extremely hot, by using capsaicin within the Carolina Reapers. Using the infusing of the Carolina Reaper flakes into the Cocoa Butter . Cocoa Butter is heat sensitive and needs to be handled carefully so can be tempered. The infusion is going to done using the Sous Vide process, controling the temperature precisely.

Sous Vide cocoa butter and dried Carolina Reaper Flakes in mason jar at 125° water temperature.

Creating good cocoa butter infusion:

How to achieve good infusion into cocoa butter by using Carolina Reaper Chili flakes and cocoa butter in mason jar. If you don’t have Carolina Reaper Chili flakes get them from Pepper Joe’s.

Caution when handing any type of super hot chilies, be sure to ware protective gloves. Trust me from experience not using gloves the capsaicin soaks into skin and burns hands for hours. Then if you touch other sensitive parts of body it transfers and burns. So ware gloves when doing this process.

Fresh Carolina Reaper chilies need to be dried completely, use dehydrator for good 36 to hours on 130° F. Then place dried chilies into mason jar with desiccate packet and seal tightly. The desiccate packet will remove any remaining moisture in chilies. This could take a few days. Remove the chilies out of jar, take the stem off chilies, and crush with mortar and pastel. Next place crushed chilies into sterilized mason jar and add equal amount of cocoa butter buttons.

Cocoa Butter and Dried Carolina Reaper Flakes in sealed mason jar. Using high quality cocoa butter from AUI.

Sous Vide method of infusion:

Secure lid onto mason jar making sure no water can enter the jar. Add water to a 6 quart stock pot and set circulation immersion to 125°F. When water reaches 125°F add the sealed jar of cocoa butter and chilies into water. Set time for at least 3 hours. Shake the jar of cocoa butte and chilies every 30 minutes, this helps to distribute chilies and melted cocoa butter.

After the cocoa butter and chilies have been sous vide for at least 3 hours the infusion needs to be strained. To strain the chili flakes out of the infusion use four layers of cheesecloth lined over strainer into another mason jar. Pour carefully allowing the infused cocoa butter to drain into jar. Squeeze the flakes by twisting the cheesecloth, note be sure to wear gloves when handling infusion. The capsaicin will burn hands and transfer to other parts of body because it’s now into the cocoa butter.

The left jar is strained infused cocoa butter with Carolina Reaper capsaicin and right jar is strained chilies flakes.
Tempered infused cocoa butter with Carolina Reaper capsaicin.
Carolina Reaper infused Cocoa Butter into Dark Chocolate
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Servings Prep Time
15 bars 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30 minutes 3 hours
Servings Prep Time
15 bars 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30 minutes 3 hours
Carolina Reaper infused Cocoa Butter into Dark Chocolate
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Servings Prep Time
15 bars 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30 minutes 3 hours
Servings Prep Time
15 bars 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30 minutes 3 hours
Servings: bars
  1. Temper 300 grams of dark chocolate to 108°F using tempering machine.
  2. Add melted Carolina Reaper infused cocoa butter to 108°F dark chocolate and 60 grams of tempered dark chocolate pistols. Set tempering machine to cool down to 82°F. Then warm to 88°F.
  3. Paint the mold with tempered colored cocoa butter.
  4. When the tempering infused chocolate pour 24 grams of chocolate into each cavity of polycarbonate mold. After filling tapping mold to remove any air bubbles.
  5. Finally sprinkle some Carolina Chili flakes over each chocolate fill cavity. Let molds set in cool dark area for at least 3 hours or longer.
  6. Tap the mold firmly to remove chili chocolates from the mold. Wrap each chocolate with foil wrappers.
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Carolina Reaper infused Cocoa Butter

Difficulty: Beginner Prep Time 10 mins Cook Time 3 hrs Rest Time 8 hrs Total Time 11 hrs 10 mins
Cooking Temp: 125  F Servings: 4
Best Season: Suitable throughout the year


Using the sous vide method to infuse capsicum from Carolina Reaper chili flakes into cocoa butter. The cocoa butter infusion can used in chocolates, brownies, cookies, frosting and ganache;

Carolina Reaper infused Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter Infusion:

Infusing Cocoa Butter with Carolina Reaper Flakes Instructions

Cocoa Butter Infusion

  1. Place cocoa butter buttons and dry Carolina Reaper Flakes in mason jar. Use lid and ring to seal the filled mason jar tightly.

    It's important that the mason jar is air tight to prevent any possible moisture to enter the cocoa butter and chili flakes.
  2. Sous Vide coca butter and chili flakes

    Place 5 quarts of water into 6 quart stock pot, place Sous Vide machine into pot. plug the Sous Vide. Set the Sous Vide to heat water to 125°F. Add the filled mason jar into hot water. Then set the timer for at least 3 hours.

  3. Straining process

    Cover strainer with 4 layers of cheesecloth. Place lined strainer over new clean mason jar. Pour the infused cocoa butter along with chili flakes into lined stainer slowly towards middle of strainer, until all chili flakes are in strainer.  Let drain for 3 to 4 minutes. Then with gloves on squeezing all infused cocoa butter out of chili flakes. Place the squeezed out chili flakes in mason jar.

  4. Solidify Cocoa Butter

    The cocoa butter will be in a liquid state until cools down below 82 degrees. This could take a few hours before completely solid state. 

    Infused cocoa butter will not be in temper even if it is in solid state. To temper cocoa butter again needs to be heated to 118°F then cooled over ice bath to 82°F stirring constantly. Then if you want to work with cocoa butter warm back to 88°F The cocoa butter is now in temper again.
  5. Painting colored coca butter onto molds.

    Add red oil food base powder or gel to tempered cocoa butter. Warm cocoa butter to 88 degrees. Paint designs onto a chocolate polycarbonate mold. Let the cocoa butter set for good 30 minutes. 

    It’s important to clean polycarbonate mold and polish each cavity with soft paper towel. Before painting tempered color cocoa butter in a attractive design.
  6. Filling each cavity with chocolate

    When cocoa butter is set pour 24 grams of tempered infused chocolate into each mold. Tap the mold hard to remove any air bubbles in the chocolate.

  7. Adding extra flavor and kick to each chocolate.

    Sprinkle Carolina Reaper flakes over each chocolate. Then tap mold again to set chili flakes into chocolate. Let the Carolina Reaper Infused Chocolate rest in cool dark area for 2 to 4 hours. For the chocolate crystals to set properly.

  8. Tap the Carolina Reaper Infused Tasting Chocolate Bars on counter to remove chocolate bars from the mold. 

    The chocolate should release from the mold if properly tempered.
Keywords: Carolina Reaper infused cocoa butter, capsicum infused cocoa butter
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