Black Berry BBQ Sauce is great way to use all the abundance of fresh berries. Fresh berries are very perishable this wonderful Black Berry BBQ Sauce can be used for so many different food applications. BBQ meats to glaze on desserts, fruits to salad dressings. Because of it’s high acidicness this sauce can be preserved in Ball Jars and keep for year or more.
Berries infused in white vinegar
Infusion of berries and vinegar:
Infusing flavors into vinegars is simple task, using 5% white vinegar is one of the very best mediums for infusing flavors. This vinegar has a neutral flavor and will absorb any aromatics. By using the cold infusion method produces the best results. It preserves natural flavors, especially if they are delicate. The process takes a little time, at least 24 hours and up to 2 months to develop a good flavor profile. This cold berry vinegar infusion is the Fundamentals for the Black Berry BBQ Sauce.
Cooking Black Berry BBQ Sauce:
Making Black Berry BBQ Sauce is all about slow boiling berry vinegar infusion with sugar and apple juice. This is where the magic takes place and transforms flavors. The process takes some time so be patient let the magic of slow cooking do it’s work. To help thicken sauce xantham gum works wonders, because it’s a thickener and emulsifier. As the Black Berry BBQ Sauce cooks the sauce becomes slowly thicker and deeper dark color. Flavors intensify building a wonderful flavor profile.
Black Berry BBQ Sauce
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Wonderful Black Berry BBQ Sauce that can be used for many different applications. Try using on grilled meats, drizzled over desserts, or as refreshing salad dressing.
Wonderful Black Berry BBQ Sauce that can be used for many different applications. Try using on grilled meats, drizzled over desserts, or as refreshing salad dressing.
Infuse the black berries and frozen raspberries into white vinegar. Put both types of berries into Ball Jar and adding the white vinegar. Fit lid and ring onto jar and let macerate for 12 hours. This develops the flavor profile.
Next is to make the Black Berry BBQ Sauce by pouring the macerated berries and vinegar into heavy duty sauce pan or stock pot. Then add Apple Juice and bring the berry mixture to boil.
Mean while mix together in a bowl the sugar, xantham gum, and optional crushed chili pepper. Making sure that the sugar mixture is evenly combined.
Now add the combined sugar mixture to hot boiling berry liquid. Whisking hard to the dissolve the sugar into berry liquid. Continue slow boil until BBQ Sauce thickens to Nappe consistency.
Adjusting seasoning with salt, sugar and pepper to achieve balanced flavor profile.
Pour boiling hot BBQ Sauce into sterilized ball jars, place sterilized lid and rings onto jar and seal. To insure proper seal heat in hot water bath for 10 to 15 minutes. Cool on wire racks.
Drizzle over grilled chicken or pork adding a perfect sweet and tangy BBQ flavor to your entree.
Drizzle over air fried boneless chops to add perfect sweet and tangy BBQ flavor to your entree. Over a bed of braised broccoli rabe.
Recipe Notes
Nutrition Facts
Black Berry BBQ Sauce
Amount Per Serving
Calories 144Calories from Fat 1
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0.1g0%
Saturated Fat 0.01g0%
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.02g
Monounsaturated Fat 0.003g
Sodium 64mg3%
Potassium 95mg3%
Total Carbohydrates 37g12%
Dietary Fiber 1g4%
Sugars 35g
Protein 0.2g0%
Vitamin A0.3%
Vitamin C16%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.